Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas !!! December 25 2010

If the dates don't coincide with these blogs, its because I'm catching up.   Sorry !   We woke up to a peaceful Non Snowy Christmas morning. Turns out that my two barn rats came to help do morning chores on Christmas !  I was so pleased, I just wanted to hug them Both in thanks.  We got done in record time and Glenn brought us all some nice warm cappucino to drink.  Once I landed back in the house, the gift exchanging began. I had two Secret Santa gifts to open, and a couple from my brother n' sister, plus Glenns' gifts for me. Glenn had a TON of gifts from me as I'd been shopping all year long for this day. Sadie got her favorite gift - a real bone with yummy filling in it, and Shadow got a fabric "cave" which he is scare of.  < oh well >

Glenn got me a telephoto lens as my 'big' gift !!  I was Floored- and have taken some pictures with the camera and it. I'll add them here soon.  We relaxed some, I did some reading online, and it was soon time to start our Christmas dinner. We had a standing rib roast, some mashed potatoes and some applesauce. Not nearly like holiday feasts in our pasts, but plenty for just us...
Once the horses (*AGAIN) had their dinners, we collapsed on the sofa to watch some tv and then to bed. All in all a wonderfully peaceful Christmas Day. :) Below is of our creek....  I loved that old branch with ice on it...
Then one of three horses taken from our Deck ! That's quite some distance...

Then one of my favorites I had to take fast because Glenn was in a hurry for some reason.... this one is of Carlene & Glenn talking..

Our Annual Christmas Party

 December 19th was the chosen day..... the weather turned out Perfect and it was to begin at 3 in the afternoon.  People showed up early and I'd decorated the barn so they got to see it earlier than the other guests.  I used to go all out in barn / house decorations but as the years passed, they got less and less.  Seems once its' all decorated, its' time to take it all down.... sooooooooooo I didn't go overboard.  Here's how it looked- and that is my friend at the end of the aisle being goofy.

The party went well, everyone brought a dish to share and we offered a huge deli tray of luncheon meats/ cheeses and the extras that one might enjoy on a sandwich.  Then I had to go up to the barn and feed horses for the evening ( duh- don't plan a party with horse chores in the middle of it !) Everyone who wanted to , came to 'help' and we got done in record time. Horses were all snuggled in their stalls, and we took a few minutes to say good bye to our Suzi. This was mostly for Jaide who loved Suzi so much. We did a short prayer for God to keep good care of her, and that we all loved her very much. I gave Jaide a small decoration from Suzi's "necklace" and she carried it with her the rest of the evening.  Soon everyone was sitting around like stuffed whales - me TOO- and chatting happily.  What a good time was had, gifts were exchanged and everyone left in great Christmas spirit.

These little parties mean so much to me- Its my way of saying thank you for all of the help in the past year to everyone who has anything to do with my barn.

Merry Christmas Everyone !!

December 13th, 2010- Suzi is gone.

Our pony, Suzi, had developed a slight colic Thursday evening, the 9th of December. I called our vet to come check on her, and Suzi got a shot to slow her digestive system down and then once it wore off ( a few minutes later), to start it moving again. Suzi felt much better, but by Saturday I was sure she had 'impacted' ( similar to a clogged pipe in one's house- Nothing moves past it).  Becky came back again, and Suzi got dosed with a pony-sized amount of oil and warmed water.  By Sunday evening, once Suzi's painkillers wore off, she was in great pain. I kept giving her shots to keep her comfortable and praying that she would pass some manure. That would mean that Maybe her impaction was clearing up.  She did not, and on Monday morning, our dear ancient pony passed over the Rainbow Bridge.  Her students were so sad, as was her best equine pal, Alli. They had been best friends for 12 years.  

That week was terribly hard to get thru, and Alli moped around a lot. I was beginning to be very worried about her because she too is OLD...  The next Monday however, when I walked into the barn to give all the horses breakfast, Alli was the first to call to me to " Hurry, Please !! We are Hungry !"

Suzi is out of pain now, and everyone seems to have adjusted as I write this blog. I miss her terribly, but know it was for the best.....  Below is a photo of she and Alli waiting to come in for FOOD, as usual... from September, 2010

Rest in Peace, Suzi......

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tis Almost Christmas !


Just a little while until Christmas Eve , then Christmas Day !  I have been busily shopping for all those who have been kind enough to help here at my barn , and family and The Husband too.

The weather has been Cold the last week or so. Much rain, and a little dusting of snow the other day.Today we are in a rainy pattern and I'm so happy it is not a big snow storm. The horses have been wearing their blankets and all but Suzi are doing great. She is dealing with a colic that has moved into an impaction we believe. Since Thursday evening....  I hope she makes it thru and begins passing manure again. Suzi is 48 this year and one ancient pony !

All barn repairs have gone on hold til spring. It's to cold to paint now, so we'll just wait til warmer weather arrives.  :) 

Evie's wound is looking pretty awesome after healing since June. Its Slowly closing up but no hair is growing there yet.  Let's hope she doesn't end up with a bald patch ! 

I hope everyone out there has gotten most of their Christmas shopping accomplished and are looking forward to a great holiday season !