Thursday, February 1, 2018

The begining of the End


The other day I was catching up on bill paying and saw a pending charge for the farm's website. So many bills happen when one runs their own farm- there are plenty of folks who work full time as well as run their farm. I have been there a few times when I lived in Maryland; just needed to take a break from it all. The last time for burnout was before I moved to PA. That one was almost 5 years long.

Slowly I accepted riders to the farm and found teaching was fun again. A few folks called me to ask about bringing their horses for training, and I accepted a couple of them. But then life took a downhill slide, I left that farm and moved to Pa., leaving my friends behind to begin a 'new' life.

Four times, I've built a successful business and this one here in Pennsyltucky is the last one. Slowly I've been selling off vehicles/equipment as my Percherons are both fully retired by now. Who needs to keep leather items around and not use them? Leather needs care and use. Then some saddles, bridles, and more. Each time a draft piece was sold and left, I shed some tears... the end of another era for me. Non-horse folks wouldn't understand but then again, maybe so.There have been so many 'endings' for me in the past 20 years but the big one is still in the future. When we finally retire into a much smaller place.

Anyhow- back to the beginning of all this: I thought about the website and how much fun I'd had keeping up with it. Then I considered the costs... Pretty much no contest, so I deleted it.  Gone, in an instant!

Happily saving money now, and not having some Very weird people calling to board here or to take lessons will be good, once I get used to it.  There have Been some Very odd people- hahahaaaa, I should write about them one day. It may turn into a novel though as there have been a lot. The horses were fine, but oh wow, their people- scary. Luckily I was blessed with many more good horse folks than the weird ones. THAT would be a much more fun tale to write. ;)  So perhaps we'll have to see how it goes.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying the lack of pressure to keep building the business into making more money, etc, etc... I am content where I am in life now and hope those here at the barn will remain for quite a few years to come.

Not to mention, I am Sick to death of cold, ice.frozen hoof prints, and subsequent Mud.  Come on Springtime!!!

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