Happy New Year, belatedly !!!
A lot has been happening since the last time I posted it seems. The last time, I had just moved into the farmhouse... Heres one..
As I find more, I'll share them. Those are my grandfather's hand-carved decoys. I used to have many more but had to sell them due to finances. Here's one of the horrid sofa left behind when the other folks moved.
Anyway, it's looking homey as I get more things unpacked.
It's so quiet here, I love it.
Next on the list is that I met another guy the first of October! He's not boring, no lies, no games, just absoutely normal. We spent the holidays together and things have gotten better and better as time passes. We are in touch daily and I'm quite happy. He lives an hour from me . Sometimes I drive up to his place, and sometimes he comes to the farm. He's TALL so I will refer to him as the Tall Guy. 6'4"-- 😵 Also, he's a Keeper!
He has wonderful stories to tell and I enjoy hearing them. Oh, and the man can COOK! Wow can he cook. I have gained 12 pounds over the holidays and meeting him... THIS IS NOT GOOD.😆
I will get into how we met, how things went and some goofy things too.
Lets see....... what else.
I start a new job this coming Thursday- Happy Dance!👍👍
I just found the emoji area, can you tell ?
Training, how too do things, etc. I desperately neeed to begin getting money coming in ; I'm so far behind that I don't know if I will ever get caught up again. A month off being terribly sick sure was Not a planned item for sure.
Anyhow, I'm excited to be making money again, and I like the gal who's been helping me get hired too.
Aside from horses here, there are some Barred Rock hens that are protected from predators and have a nice hen house to sleep in too. There's 2 small donkeys that adore carrots it seems ( gosh, they are so darned cute. It's a joy to arrive "home" .
There's one walking horse who should be named Houdini as he gets out frequently. He doesn't really go anywhere, but eats the grass in the yard and hangs out. All of the animals are friendly and I can tell that they are loved. :)
I guess that's it for now, stay tuned for more on my Tall Guy and life here at the farm house.
Below is a doe who, with two others, were grazing in the back yard.
On my way to work one morning, the moon was full and so beautiful.
have a great week.