Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve 2018


 As I sit here smelling the pumpkin pies baking in the oven, and my husband snoring as he snoozes to some of his favorite TV programs, ( I call it watching TV w/ one's eyes shut...) I realize how blessed we really are.

We have a cozy little house that keeps us warm in winter snows and cool when it's hot enough to fry the proverbial egg outside. A wonderful strong barn that prevents winter winds from blowing inside, freezing everything solid (so long as I remember to shut the doors, that is). Pastures that look brown with mud all over give me a promise of soft new grasses growing strong, come Spring.

Thinking of the year gone past, there have been some wonderful moments and some awful times too. All in all, I think the good and bad have balanced themselves out just fine. I lost a lifelong friend that I cherished deeply, but losing her brought along more firm plans for our future.

Remembering Christmas's past, I find I miss the glorious family moments that will never happen again, but others have taken their places. So many presents, so much laughter, and joy. So much love. Times gone by... Kids are grown up and have their own families- scattered all over the country. 

Happily for me, no more frantic shopping, decorating the house, making sure there will be plenty of food for family gatherings. Now, Christmas is a relaxed time with just us two. I managed to do probably 90% of my shopping online, thank goodness. Remembering Christmas's when there was no money available and having to create gifts for loved ones. Some were absolutely horrid, but I never realized that until many years later when I saw some of those gifts.  Oh lordy.

 Tomorrow will be kind of a normal day for us but for the gifts purchased and the grand dinner we have planned.  Always being one for not a lot of fuss n' bother, I like a peaceful day. I have always had 'country' like celebrations but for a few years when I was expected to have the house decorated by some designer to perfection. No thanks, I like pine boughs instead of the fake stuff... homemade decorations on the Christmas tree. Those mean more than the well-balanced balls hanging in the correct places so all is perfect. I DO give in and have a fake tree- but it's as realistic as possible.  Cutting a wonderful tree down and sticking it in ones' house isn't very kind to me. So I leave the trees in the woods and use a "pretend" one.  It's just as pretty and no one has to die because of it.

I suppose there'll be no snow here for this Christmas. Chilly, but no snow, thank goodness. We are to the point where a big snow storm just means harder work for the people and animals too. I do hope, however, the sunshine peeks out.

So, here's to everyone having a stupendous Christmas Day 
and to all those who celebrate in other beliefs,
May your celebrations be filled with love, peace, and joy.

                            Merry Christmas with love,
                                        from all of us at
  WoodFinn Farm.  

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