Monday, May 27, 2024



 Well, it's the day before my birthday. Used to be my birthday was special. Now? Just another day. Used to be there would be a cake and some presents, maybe a special dinner out. Now? Just another day. No celebration, no family, no anything 

 I don’t know… maybe I’m having a tough time with all of this. Ever since I was a kid I looked forward to birthday celebrations. Not mine but everyone. We would not have a birthday if we had not been born, right? Therefore birthdays are important. The Only time I ever forgot a birthday was when I had just said goodbye to my Lynna a few days before and it was the now ex's birthday. I really felt awful, but I couldn’t make it up. I had forgotten and that’s all there was to it.   

I realize that as we get older we might not like to be reminded that we’re another year older. Not me. I love to hear that someone remembered.  So many wonderful memories of birthdays in the past. Not mine but others I loved and went all out for. Some of mine were pretty cool too. I always think of others before me and remembering them makes me smile. 

So, if you have a birthday coming up soon…

                🎶💙 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 

                 TO YOU!!!!💐🎶

Or as Pooh says, 

Many happy returns of the day !“

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