Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13 2010

There hasn't been much happening around here other than the normal items needed accomplishing on a farm. I'm impatiently waiting for the return of my lawn tractor so I can get the yard ( AKA:  the jungle ) mowed. The grass is close to a foot tall by now. The hens are happily laying small to medium sized eggs - I get 4 one day and 3 the next. Considering there are 5 hens laying- that's not bad !

Things Are going to be picking up here though..... I have a fencer coming tomorrow ( Tuesday) to see what I want done and then to work up a price. I HOPE its not going to be a lot - but what ever the price- it will be worth the expense to keep my horses safe.

Then this coming Friday, I have an appointment with a company that does vinyl siding. I want to get the top part on the front of the barn redone..... Here's what it looks like now.
I would like to have the top replaced with a brick or dark red color in vinyl and then a new over-head door there too. Get some good paint in a dark blue and paint the trim that color. It'll look nice, I Hope  :)

Soon I want to contact PP&L about moving the electric box on To the house and from the sorry looking pole it is on now.  Its not safe and we want the wires from the corner pole to come underground to the house. I see this as being much more safe.
Sadie has been growing and filling out like mad. She is just about all grown up by now as she's a little over one year old. She's been a great friend - but not a barn buddy like Petey used to be. She's allergic to shavings and sawdust;  Sooooooooooooooo she won't be up at the barn very often.

Evie's leg is healing up well.  Here is a recent photo of it:

It is still inflamed but is looking SO much better !

Glenn has been doing fine since his bout in the hospital, but he gets tired faster it seems now. His new job is hectic but he says he likes working there. I just wish there was a financial way he could retire soon ! 

More news on farm improvements and pictures to come - stay tuned.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Summers’ End…


Summer will soon be over here in central Pennsylvania. The acorns have been dropping from the oak trees since mid July and I’ve seen some squirrels running all over attempting to bury some they find. I imagine that will be the last time they find those buried acorns ! As Sadie and I were going on her morning pee walk about the yard, there was one who was very surprised to see us.  I didn’t know that squirrels could jump quite so far .  Sadie didn’t know What it was and watched that squirrel climb the electric pole in amazement.

Most of the horses have light winter coats by now. The ponies especially ! During these left over hot/humid days of summer, they get all sweaty during the day. The drafters get the most sweaty it seems.

I love the up coming season- Autumn.  The weather is cooler, the days are crisp and is a warning of pending winter……   Below is a photo of a setting winter sun…  one of my favorites.
