Sunday, September 19, 2021

Summer in an Apartment


Holy wow, life is SO different now for this farm woman!  First off, I live in a small apartment on the second floor of a big complex. I don't have much to compare sizes with but to me? Being able to see more than two families at a time is Huge. It is nice though. There aren't many places to put things in a small apartment, so that's different. No basement... no attic. Just a few rooms. 

It is a nice place though, even with all the negatives. I live just 10 minutes from where Briana is, and the folks who own the place are good people. Briana is getting chubby once again but she'll need a few extra pounds for winter, I imagine. The best thing about this new place is that she's happy.  She has a good friend in the Standardbred gelding who belongs to the owners, and he's a sweetie pie. "Ace". Big ol' dude too. I know nothing of his background but what I have been told. 

Back to this little apartment... It is roomy but small. Everything works too! If it doesn't I just have to let them know and it gets fixed. Better than many husbands, don'cha think ?  < smiles here> It is airy when it's cool enough to have the windows open. OhMyGosh-  OPEN WINDOWS!!  For almost 20 years, I had to keep the whole house closed up " those @#@#()(& windows really make my headache!"  Allergies, you know- and he wouldn't even try to figure out how to make them easier to deal with. So, this gal who Loves opened windows and fresh air suffered through, not saying much at all.

Right now?  Windows are open and this little place is full of fresh air and the cat is sitting in front of the screened sliders, enjoying it too.  Cleo, however, is laying beside my office chair waiting for me to go "do things". Occasionally, she'll head out to check to be sure Simone isn't doing bad kitty things. Simone simply doesn't DO bad kitty things, but just in case she begins to Cleo will be the second to know.

I went to the barn yesterday and when I pulled in, Briana saw me. Her head shot up and she began trotting to the gate with Ace following along behind. She called to me. It has been a very long time since that has happened. Lynna would every morning when she heard me in the tack room and another couple would nicker, but hardly Briana back then. Now?  A loud "HI MOM!!" from her.  She made me tear up a little in happiness. I love her so much.

She met me at the gate and apparently I reminded her that Jaide was no longer there. She looked around behind the run-in shed to see if maybe Jaide was there?  No- I explained to her that she'd gone to another place which was as nice as this one was. I think even with how mean Jaide was to her, Briana missed her still. 

Ace is the typical Amish driving horse. Very untrusting of all people... I feel so awful for horses like him because they need to know there are kind humans out there. When the girls were getting their teeth floated last week, he let me rub his neck and seemed to enjoy the company. He really is a sweet horse, and he's good pals with Briana.

I got my grooming box out and began currying Briana. Ooooooo- she loved it! Especially on her croup- when I stopped to get another area done, I'd find her black butt in front of me- " here, mom, here!"  I laughed and curried till I had worked up a lot of just plain dirt. 

Sadly in order to trim her bridlepath, I need to use a twitch. So many times in the past, I tried to get her to understand that nothing was ever going to hurt her, but those ears and between them are a "Don't Touch" area. It is just easier for us both not to have a big argument over it. 5 minutes later, and she looked gorgeous again. Five minutes instead of fifteen in tempers and fear. Much better. 

All the while, Ace was standing there watching it all. Not allowing me to touch him but he did pay attention - and it was okay. He's curious. His poor front legs from his knees down are a disaster. Old pinfire marks on them plus on his back legs tell me he has had a hard life. Low bowed tendons on both front legs also. He gets around fine though... That breed is one amazing lot of tough horses.

She looked so much better after a good brushing- and is most definitely growing in her winter coat! She's all but fuzzy.

It seems there are Bot Flys around like mad here. I'll have to take a disposable razor with me and shave them all off!  Ugh- awful things, those Bots. No use for them but to mess with a horses' insides.
 I got an American Saddlebred mare a few years ago and de-wormed her for many different kinds of worms plus the Bots. Omgawd! She must have pooped out handfuls of dead bots. Totally gross- but wow did she ever begin gaining weight then!
Here are some more pics I took of the two horses yesterday- enjoy!
This is their pasture- it has Grass in it!

This is the back of their shed and it's nice n shady

Briana's coming to see me again... Ace watched. I couldn't get rid of her- and loved it.

One of my favs.

this one also.

 What a wonderful place to live for a horse! 

The last one- it's on the favorites list too!

Enjoy your week 💓💘

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