Monday, October 30, 2017

Bringing Horses in at WoodFinn


Brrrrrrrrrrr, there's a cool wind a' blowing in Pa. today- leaves off the trees, and dust/ pieces of hay up the barn aisle. SO much more pleasant than yesterday's humidity n' warm temps. I swear, Mother Nature cannot make her mind up this year!

Halloween is tomorrow- and it's one of my favorite holidays! Wishing everyone a wonderful celebration. I love October also, as it's the month my husband & I got married some years ago also.

This year, the mix of horses is right to have them All outside during the day this winter. I thought about it, and with a little help from a friend, we got it sorted out. The trouble is, that this being just the second day all horses have been in different pastures, no one remembers quite where their stalls are. Now- our barn is Big as in hard to miss, no matter what speed an equine happens to be going... 

Glenn & I walked up to the barn this evening to bring all of the horses ( in different pastures from summer- remember?) inside for the night. They'd all been out grazing and enjoying the sunshine. I have some who are as honest as the day is long and always ( um, well Most of the time) manage to go to their correct stalls. Each stall is prepared for them with fresh water in the buckets, their dinnertime feed, and plenty of hay to give them something to do after the feed is gone.... and those honest horses know it. My two greys are two, as is my spotted draft mare. Those 3 always 'nail it' coming inside. No halters needed as I trust them so much. The others, not so much.  The one gelding that likes to start arguments w/ anyone who will argue back was led in first...

Glenn walked up to the pony field to let the little "Mr. Man" come in. He's usually been quite good about going right to his stall. Notttttt this time. He was planning on waiting for his bestie to come in too. So, instead Glenn let ''Shonee & the pony'' come in. Shonee trotted down the hill, in the barn and right into her stall. Yay, Shonee! The short Mr Man still wasn't going to come in. The other pony came trotting down the hill, and totally missed the barn. Whaaaaaaaa ?  I mean, some on, it's a big barn. She finally figured out where the entrance was and came trotting in but chose to 'shop' a little at the 5th cutting hay sitting there. Sheeesh- Finally she remembered it was dinner time and went into her stall. The Mr Man ? He was lost... Usually he'll either walk or trot in, but this time ? TROTTING! He trotted down the aisle and popped right in his stall- happy to find yet another time there was dinner there for him.

Time to let my drafters come in to their stalls, and a boarder too. Now- he'd been coming in nicely by himself but w/ friends in the field, he gets confused. ''Do I go now, or do I wait for those big horses to be first ??" He waited and Glenn called to him, and he stood half way up the hill, gazing into eternity, or what ever horses watch for. Suddenly it hit him!  Dinnertime !  Down the hill he came, thru the gate, Leaped over the old pole marking the side of the drive by about 2' and came roaring in at a big trot. He was going so fast I knew he was going to miss his stall so I yelled, " WHOA!" which just about stopped him. He saw the open doorway and walked into his stall.  Whattta gooooooooooood boy.

I love this group of horses here now. They are all super smart and try so hard to figure out what we want them to do, so it is a pleasure to be in the barn again.  As Glenn & I walked back to the house, we both were chuckling at the horses's antics this evening.
                       Have a great Samhain !!


Mamawolf said...

Happy Samhain!

WoodFinn Farm said...

And may you & yours have a blessed Samhain too !