Monday, April 27, 2020

Things I Have Learned This Week


Not really- I knew these from before. Ummmmmmmmm, maybe the one about a flushing toilet, but I know it Now!

News Flash :

I have 6 teeny little chicks- YAY!!!  Just thought to myself- if the husband doesn't like them, tough. Turned out he was glad I'd gotten some more!  I have missed having chickens around- as those who come to read this blog often already know. Chickens are good company at a barn when I'm the only one there. Along with my sweet little barn kitty, a chicken or two would usually come walking the pastures with me. Yes- a chicken and a cat.  <grins here> Simone` is like a small, odd-looking dog, and the chickens?  They look like chickens.

So- I have peeps again and love every single one of them. There are two light Brahmas, two dark Brahmas, and two Blue Laced Wyandottes. (think that's their correct name.)  Right now, the light Brahmas are white with lovely little feathers on their legs, and as their wing feathers grow in, I can see how beautiful they'll be. The dark Brahmas are a color I have never had before... I can't wait to see how they look. From the photos, I think I'll be happy. Of course, whatever their color is, they'll still be loved.
Below are a few photos I took today:
                                              Today was their first day out of a container.

These two were really brave and walking about. One of the
Light Brahmas will be named 'Emmie' after a hen I owned
long ago. The little grey/ smokey one is 
one of the Blue Laced Wyandottes

This is the other Blue Laced Wyandotte.
She now has a name:  "Sally"

There we go- all fresh n' clean with yummy chick food,
clean water whenever they want some.
The two tan/ dark brown are the two
Dark Brahmas. 

They will both need a good name- any ideas???

I just noticed I chose "Christmas Colors" for their holders.
                                                                        Oh wow...


Alright, so onto the 'Things I Learned.'

The toilet thing happened the first night they had been here. Of course- living in my garden tub as it is cold out for babies so young. Like some folks, I woke up having to use the bathroom, so being half awake, I wandered into it, and when I walked in, I whispered to the little chickens that I was there. Then came the FLUSH.  
Oh MY Gawd!!!  Peeps bouncing off the sides of their house, one fell in the water dish, and one hid behind its feeder.  Terror reigned supreme! Luckily the toilet is one of those that flushes very fast and it was over before anyone with fuzz could faint from the fright.
Since then, I flush the toilet even when it isn't needed and they're getting used to the scary sound it makes. The things one learns... ;) 


This afternoon was the second thing I was forced to remember. 
(didn't really have to re-learn it but it is a good reminder by now)
It was dinner time for my pony, Briana.  I was walking up the hill lane to the barn.  I called her as I was - she lifted her head to see me. As usual, Simone`, my barn kitty walked over to greet me, so she got a rub on the head. By that time, Briana was walking her way up to the gate. I got there first and she dug in to hit a gallop in a few strides. Up the hill, sliding to a screeching halt in front of me.
I haltered her and we began our way to the barn and her dinner.  As we were walking, I wondered how she'd do being allowed to go to her stall by herself. After all, a couple of summers ago, I could do that and she'd do it perfectly.


I told her that when I slipped her halter off- she had to remember where her stall was and to head there. Off came the halter, and off she cantered. Well, she missed the front of the stall, down the aisle and ended up tearing about like some idiot. Simone (remember her?) was fascinated at a speedy black pony with the Zoomies. She ran around the corner of the barn just as Briana was coming to the same place. Both spooked sideways- cat to the left, pony to the right. 
Briana didn't slow down much and Simone gained warp speed into the equipment building. 
And around she went again- and then 'Oh heck- let's keep going as this is FUN.'
Three times around both barns and she was 'high blowing', little tail up in the air, head up as high as she could have it. My pony was a sight to behold. 
By now I was losing patience with it all. It's one thing to enjoy watching a pony
ripping around like one possessed, and then it's another to have to watch it for what was beginning to seem like much longer than a few minutes. 
I kept pointing to the barn, trying to have her realize that is where her dinner is, but heck, nope. She had discovered that delicious Spring grass. All of a sudden, I wasn't important, her dinner wasn't important and by then Simone` hadn't returned. Nothing but grrrrraaaaasssssss to eat; life was good for Briana
Finally, she realized that maybe, just maybe, I wanted her to head into the barn. She did, at a canter. All the way down the aisle, checking out the stalls, the tractor, and her cart. Snorting and blowing at everything she had seen forever. Whenever an equine is excited over anything, her human needs to be almost as calm as pond water on a warm summer day. I  did just that and she did too. Big sigh and she followed me into her stall without any problem.

Lesson learned.... in fact, TWO of them this week. 
One thing for sure, I'm never too old to learn or be reminded of things!

Oh, meet Spring! She is my friend's beautiful new Percheron Filly.
I love her and haven't even met her yet.
If this stupid COVID19 virus ever calms down, I want to meet her.  Looks like Spring will be black like her mama is.

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