Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Briana and Jaide


Are doing fine in their environment. Except for the bites, bumps, and bruises.  When I was running a horse boarding farm, I would cringe if a horse ended up with a kick mark, bite mark, or worse. I really didn't like any horse being injured no matter how small. I had show quality animals and treated everyone's horses like I did mine. 

Poor Briana is the shortest horse in the one pasture - and I feel so badly for her. They are both in with some BIG horses. These are the bullies also. So Jaide has learned to run away to keep from being bitten or kicked... as has Briana. A horse's kick can do a LOT of damage to another. There is a ton of force coming from a hind leg when it is aimed at something. Whether it be a bug, another horse, a stall wall- or heaven forbid, a person. I have been kicked, luckily never as seriously as friends have been, and realized very fast that a kick can kill or break me easily.

Personally? I am more than ready to move on. Someplace where the pasture isn't overcrowded and there is enough room for all horses to exist instead of being bullied and injured.

Each day I see my girls, there is some additional injury. Some small and will heal just fine ( but imagine the pain involved from a single smack to one's head) and then some that leave a scar and some that leave a blemish of some sort.  I don't like it one bit and will be happy to say goodbye to that place. I Love the farm itself and had I known it was for sale way back when, things might have been different but I didn't, soooooo.

From now on? Hoping that my mares stay safe and un-injured.  Safe and content...

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