Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Men in general.


Men,Eh? I have always liked them a lot. Not because they are good to go places with,but because they are more interesting than many women.

Women are to competitive and sometimes right rude about it. I imagine many of you have been in the “ I have more than you “ game… You know, they have more men, if they are married, or not , they have more money,diamonds, bigger farms,deeper pockets. Ohhhh,a higher paying job, a bigger barn,fancier trailer, etc. If horse oriented, it is worse I think. Maybe I just have watched it happen so much in the world of horses. Jealousy is crazy with women. Heaven forbid you talk to a man who is standing beside you at a horse show. 

Well I guess I don’t know how to play the game Or more truthfully, I don’t care. . I was never impressed by money. Yep, it can buy you anything you want but, I usually want to get to know the person inside. It’s what I look for.  Can’t be bothered otherwise.

Okay, back to the men. Don’t worry, guys, I still think that you are great. In my last few years travels I have chatted with and met some Very odd guys.  I think I mentioned that I decided to join a dating site and see how it goes.  When the subscription ran out I didn’t renew it. 

Early on, there were men who were incredibly picky about the ladies they talked with. They wanted a Barbie girl and at our age, those women didn’t exist anymore. I found myself thinking “ ya gotta be kidding me!” Oh, some even had body measurements listed. If you don’t have a PhD,then you’re out. Good grief! I was learning about what I would not want to meet. One guy kept sending me messages and wanting to talk to me. Turns out he wanted an “older woman “ to teach him about sex. HELLOOO?  🤪 The guy was in his early 50s. If he didn’t have a clue, then he was going to have to learn on his own. Another one didn’t want to see me again because I didn’t dress up like a fashion model for a lunch date …. Ummmm at a crab shack? Sorry pal. It began to get funny as the requests showed up. 

Unfortunately, I am a very kind person who has been used a lot. I should have applied my rules a little more but I started feeling bad for some of them. Wrong. One was looking for a woman who was a perfect choice for him. I really don’t think he actually knew what he was looking for, but I wasn’t it. Turns out, I’m glad I wasn’t.  A few guys I clicked with but it was distance or other things that kept us being friends.  There was one guy who lived a long way away and basically wanted phone sex. Ummmm, no thanks. One man I met was not a part of the site and I liked him a lot. Ha, turns out that his wife didn’t ‘understand ‘ him…. ‘ see ya’.  

 One needs to be careful when meeting people anymore… Not just sit and talk in a car, or whatever. I’m aware of the fact that there’s some real sick people who are out there. Scammers run rampant and I have learned to despise them when they show up. What a waste of time and air space.   The pill droppers are not for me at all.

So, I guess I am a picky person who is not going to‘settle’.  It’s been said that I am,from many men, lately. They’re right. I am picky and never going to make mistakes I made in the past. Which leads me to the man who is slowly stealing my heart. So far, he’s been great. Summer is a time to get out door things accomplished and the man is busy. We are getting along famously and there’s no frantic rush to get together every single free moment which I am enjoying immensely. Thanks to this amazing man who is becoming a good friend, I am finding myself smiling a lot more often. 😁🩵