Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tis Almost Christmas !


Just a little while until Christmas Eve , then Christmas Day !  I have been busily shopping for all those who have been kind enough to help here at my barn , and family and The Husband too.

The weather has been Cold the last week or so. Much rain, and a little dusting of snow the other day.Today we are in a rainy pattern and I'm so happy it is not a big snow storm. The horses have been wearing their blankets and all but Suzi are doing great. She is dealing with a colic that has moved into an impaction we believe. Since Thursday evening....  I hope she makes it thru and begins passing manure again. Suzi is 48 this year and one ancient pony !

All barn repairs have gone on hold til spring. It's to cold to paint now, so we'll just wait til warmer weather arrives.  :) 

Evie's wound is looking pretty awesome after healing since June. Its Slowly closing up but no hair is growing there yet.  Let's hope she doesn't end up with a bald patch ! 

I hope everyone out there has gotten most of their Christmas shopping accomplished and are looking forward to a great holiday season !

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